Welcome to our Online Palm Sunday Service 2020

Welcome to Palm Sunday Virtual Service

We miss gathering together, what we are doing is not church, but I trust a call for us all to devote ourselves afresh to Jesus.

One of the links below for Christian worship contains these beautiful, beautiful words. May they be as much as an encouragement to you as they are to me.

For you are timeless and part of a puzzle.
You are winsome and young as a lad.
And there is no disease or no struggle,
that can pull you from God, Be Ye Glad.

Oh, Be Ye Glad, Be Ye Glad,
Every debt that you ever had
Has been paid up in full by the grace of the Lord,
Be Ye Glad, Be Ye Glad, Be Ye Glad.

I welcome you today, my heart is heavy, but I know Jesus lives, and that makes all the difference. No virus, no catastrophe can rob me of the joy of being a child of God.

This week there will be a virtual message with accompanying resources available on Good Friday, at around 10am.

And next Sunday, Easter Sunday, Resurrection Day, there will be a virtual sermon, again with accompanying resources available at around the same time, 10am.

God be with you.